
Let's talk about the election

  2020 has been a hell of a year. A global pandemic, protests and riots, fires, murder hornets, Sean Connery, the Lakers and the Dodgers, and now the US presidential election.   As I write this, Joe Biden’s projected win has caused elation on one side and threats of legal retaliation on the other. Both sides are certain of final victory, and yet, I can’t shake the feeling that there are no winners here.   Regardless of who ultimately sits in the Oval Office, we have all lost where it really matters. We have shown who we are as a nation, and what I’ve seen is both tragic and terrifying.   They say that Trump brought out the worst in people. They say that racists felt safe to show their true colors, and hate came out to play. What I saw were suppressed emotions that were given an outlet; emotions that were already there and will still be there, regardless of who the president is. I saw a pressure cooker letting off steam, and I fear that Biden will simply be putting the lid back on. I re

Let's talk about Racism

I believe that words have power. I believe that the words we use to define things and express ourselves are important, therefore I believe that understanding the meaning of the words we are using is important.   I believe that we often confuse racism and racial prejudice.   To me, there is a huge distinction that needs to be made between the two in order to make progress in racial equality and our relationships. Allow me to explain.   I grew up moving back and forth between South Carolina, Florida, and Latin America. The years I lived in SC as a kid, my family attended an all white church and I lived in an all white neighborhood. I really didn’t know many black people. The only times I would see them was when we would drive through a black neighborhood, and those communities were always poor. The economic divide between the white community and the black community was obvious. Sometimes my mom would stop and talk to people in those neighborhoods and I would watch from the car, feeling s

Let's talk about Abortion

For many years now, there has been a heated debate over whether or not abortion should be legal. Those who are Pro-Life say that abortion is wrong and those who are Pro-Choice say that it is not. What I find dismally depressing about the topic is that each side is arguing a completely different point.   Let’s break down the implications behind the names of each group. Pro-LIFE means that the fetus inside a woman’s uterus is a human being and should be kept alive. Pro-CHOICE means that the woman should have the right to decide what she does with her body. The two arguments are not mutually exclusive. You can completely agree with both statements and still not agree on abortion. Why? Because you’re talking about different things.   As a result, I see an endless amount of rage and vitriol coming from both sides. They literally hate each other. One side calls the other murderers and in return is accused of stripping women of their rights.   We cannot have a meaningful conversation until we

Let's talk about George Floyd

As I have watched the events unfold over this past week, I have been torn by anguish and confusion. As a result, I have refrained from posting anything until I could process my thoughts and speak with some semblance of clarity.   If you have not read my post “Let’s talk about truth”, I ask that you take a moment to read it before continuing this one because I explain my outlook on life and feel like it is important to keep that in mind as you read what I have to say.   Here is the link:   Whether or not you read it, I ask that you have patience with me as I continue learning and seeking to contribute to the best of my abilities. I do not assume to have answers. I have ideas, and I have questions. Let’s begin.   I am a white male. I grew up moving all over North and South America and have felt both judged and admired because of my race. What I have never felt is threatened. I cannot begin to imagine the pain, fear, and

Let’s talk about truth

Quid est veritas? If you have read enough of my articles, you probably already know that I write for the individual. I try to avoid phrases like “society needs to _____”, or “people need to ____”. I try to write in a way that applies to each person as an individual, but would still benefit a group if each person were to apply my suggestions.   The topic of truth is no exception. I am going to explain a mentality I have adopted over the years, and talk about how I have benefitted from it. Maybe you can as well.   A lot of people seem to get very defensive very quickly when their beliefs are challenged. This is particularly true of religion and politics. People have very strong opinions about things and defenses go higher than the questions raised. I have seen people get verbally attacked for simply asking why someone believes certain things.   Other symptoms of this include the countless posts, memes, and articles that mock and belittle a group that holds a different belief or opinion.

Let’s talk about Faith (03/31/20)

Let’s talk about Faith. I identify as a Christian. I don’t really talk much about it in person for reasons I don’t feel the need to get into right now, but I grew up in a Christian family and have been one myself since I was five. While fellow Christians may connect more with what I’m going to say, this post is for everyone, so please don’t let its religious connotation deter you. The reason I want to discuss faith in this specific time is because there are 2 aspects of my life that I feel are very relevant right now, and they are both based on a single verse from the Bible. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 So, the first thing I want to discuss is trust. Over the last several years now, God has been teaching me how to trust Him, and it has not been easy. Ever since leaving the comfort of doing Security work as a full time job, I ha

Let's talk about COVID-19 (03/16/20)

Let's talk about COVID-19. So, normally, I don't post about current events. I like to analyze things, mull it over for a while, and most importantly, process my feelings before sharing my opinions. I am making an exception in this case because I hope to make some points that will help in the here and now during this time of uncertainty. So, first off, let's talk about fear. When I watch a horror movie, I have realized that the scariest parts are when I don't know what the monster is or what it is capable of. Any scene in the dark, a creature that hasn't been revealed, or a serial killer that hasn't been identified is fear inducing. So, how much more terrifying is it when you're living out a scenario you've never dealt with before in real life? The greatest cause of fear in this situation is the unknown. Now, fear manifests itself in different ways. Some people may panic, others may laugh and dismiss the threat, while others may get angr